Here for Good

This building stands as a perfect metaphor. It’s rich with history, but poor with integrity. What we mean by that is God has been at work through the people of this church and in this city for almost 100 years... and while it’s an incredible legacy to live from, the building itself is old, tired, outdated, in disrepair, unsafe, and has potential that’s untapped.
As we began to ask this question... what should be... it became so clear to us that our next right step is to renovate this building. There were tons of could be’s – we could sell it, tear it down, rent it out, leave it as is... but none of these could be’s became our should be.
This building should be a beacon of hope, an iconic source of inspiration and creativity, a home for many who are lonely, a place where people find hope in Jesus and love in community.
Our vision is to become a landmark, a destination, a beautiful space in the city that captures people’s eye, inspires their creativity, and welcomes them in! When folks are coming here for their hobbies, jobs, connections, parties, celebrations... it no longer is just a church... it’s place where people feel welcomed and where everyone belongs!
We hope you join us in helping create this future and in being Here for Good!

Phase 1: Renovation of Kids Building and temporary sanctuary space.
Schematic Design: Complete
Construction Start: September 2024
Phase 2: Renovation of sanctuary and 3 story Hall building.
Schematic Design: Complete
Design Development in Process: 4-5 Months - July - November 2024
City Permitting: 10 Months - November 2024 - August 2025
Construction: 10 Months - August 2025 - May 2026